Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Pens vs Refs - Part 5 - Sidney Crosby

I know I said there would be a post on power play opportunities, but I wanted to quickly shift gears - I'll get back to power plays later in the week. I thought today we could take a look at penalties called on a specific player, and who better to start with than Sid?

First off, let me reiterate that there is no way to definitively state which referee made each call. The NHL doesn't seem to publish that data (boy, would I love it if they did). All we can do is say that in games that had Dave Jackson, for instance, as one of the two referees, Sid received three minor penalties.

The chart today will show the ref, the number of times said ref saw the Penguins, and the number of penalties that Sid received, along with the average number of minor penalties. A few quick notes:
  • Sid only had 60 PIM in 06-07. The numbers for the chart are doubled, because each penalty is linked to two distinct referees.
  • Crosby didn't receive anything other than minor penalties in 06-07, so all are just two minutes.
  • Sid played in 79 games, so the results will be off very slightly for the averages. I don't think this is significant - just a few guys will have a lower average than they might otherwise.
  • 29 referees saw the Pens (and Crosby) 4 times or more. I'm limiting the results to those guys - any fewer than that and the results aren't really significant.
  • Guys that were especially easy on Sid include Pollock, Martell, McCauley, Meier, Fraser, Rooney and Lee.
  • Guys that are heavily associated with Crosby penalties include Hasenfratz, Spada, O'Halloran and Walsh.
Take a look at the chart. Tomorrow I'll contrast these numbers to the PIM from 05-06 to see if there's any disparity between the two seasons.

Ref Games with Pens
Minors on Sid
Minors per Game
Mike Hasenfratz 4 4 1
Craig Spada 5 5 1
Dan O'Halloran 5 4 0.8
Ian Walsh 5 4 0.8
Brad Watson 7 5 0.71
Tom Kowal 6 4 0.67
Marc Joannette 5 3 0.6
Greg Kimmerly 5 3 0.6
Stephane Auger 4 2 0.5
Dean Warren 8 4 0.5
Gord Dwyer 5 2 0.4
Dave Jackson 8 3 0.38
Eric Furlatt 6 2 0.33
Rob Shick 4 1 0.25
Dan Marouelli 4 1 0.25
Tim Peel 4 1 0.25
Don Van Massenhoven 5 1 0.2
Paul Devorski 5 1 0.2
Kelly Sutherland 5 1 0.2
Dan O'Rourke 5 1 0.2
Mike Leggo 5 1 0.2
Don Koharski 5 1 0.2
Chris Lee 6 1 0.17
Chris Rooney 7 1 0.14
Kevin Pollock 4 0 0
Rob Martell 5 0 0
Wes McCauley 5 0 0
Brad Meier 4 0 0
Kerry Fraser 4 0 0

Here are the previous parts in the series:
Part 1 - PIM
Part 2 - PIM Difference
Part 3 - PIM vs Opponent PIM
Part 4 - Offense

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